
导读大家好,小伟今天来为大家解答freechatwith以下问题,freechatwith很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、have a chat 聊天;谈天;闲谈 chat about 闲聊 chat sh...



1、have a chat 聊天;谈天;闲谈 chat about 闲聊 chat show n. (电视或广播电台的)访谈节目 have a chat with v. 与……聊天 live chat 在线聊天;即时聊天 chat up 搭讪 free chat 自由聊天区 group chat 群组聊天。

2、free chat 网络 免费聊天;[例句]It's free live chat for any website and all you have to do is drop a couple of lines of code onto your web page.它的自由活在聊天室的任何网站和所有你必须做的是,掉。

3、The American concept of the weekend has its roots in labor union attempts to accommodate Jewish workers who took Saturday instead of Sunday as their Sabbath.[1] The first five-day work week was instituted by。

4、Free Live Video Chat 免费视频聊天 英式音标:[friː] [lɪv] [ˈvɪdɪəʊ] [tʃæt]美式音标:[fri] [lɪv] [ˈvɪdɪo] [t&#。

5、如果对方无意继续聊天/离线,都会显示"Your conversational partner has disconnected"。

